The Devils Den - Home to Debbie

Devils and Goannas - Adelaide 1999

Christchurch 2018

Imortand information about the upcoming festival

Past Festivals

The Golden Oldies sporting movement began in the late 1970's. At the outset it was resolved that Rugby would benefit from Golden Oldies Festivals, and the relationship with local organising groups provides them with opportunities to gain funds for the development of the game and other needs such as junior Rugby, injured players, refereeing and school rugby support.

The first Festival the Old Tasmanian Devils attended was the 1985 London Festival. From then on we have made every effort to represent Tasmania at every festival, only missing the 1997 Vancouver and the 2008 Edinburgh festival.

Venues for Golden Oldies Rugby Festivals have been:

  • 1979 - Auckland, New Zealand
  • 1981 - Long Beach, USA
  • 1983 - Sydney, Australia
  • 1985 - London, England
  • 1987 - Auckland, New Zealand
  • 1989 - Toronto, Canada
  • 1991 - Perth, Australia
  • 1993 - Dublin, Ireland
  • 1995 - Christchurch, New Zealand
  • 1997 - Vancouver, Canada
  • 1998 - Cape Town, South Africa
  • 1999 - Adelaide, Australia
  • 2001 - Toulouse, France
  • 2003 - Brisbane, Australia
  • 2005 - San Diego, USA
  • 2006 - Wellington, New Zealand
  • 2008 - Edinburgh, Scotland
  • 2010 - Sydney, Australia
  • 2012 - Fukuoka, Japan
  • 2014 - Mar Del Plata, Argentina
  • 2016 - Cardiff, Wales

If you would like to become part of the Devils clan then please feel free to contact us.